Curriculum Vitae
Solo Exhibitions 1998-2007
2007 ‘Passion of Place’ Global Gallery Sydney
2006 ‘Art At Bellachara’ Gerringong (4/8/06-6/10/06)
2000 ‘Milk & Honey’ at The Tea Club Nowra (9/10/00 – 22/10/00)
1998/99 Stan’s Dine-In Berry (12/98-early 99)
1998 ‘Biodiversity’ at The Tea Club Nowra (13/10/98 – 3/11/98)
1998/99 Alfresco Café Kangaroo Valley (7/5/98-1/9/99)
1998/99 Jo Jo’s Café Kangaroo Valley (20/11/99–1/11/99)
Joint Exhibitions
2010 ‘Roadside’ with Sue Dale at Project Contemporary Artspace
Wollongong March 10-21
2008 ‘Sharp & Unctuous’ with Sue Irvin at Café Bella Kangaroo
Valley 23/5-Nov08
2006 ‘Standing On Our Own Feet’ with Sue Irvin at Silos Art Space
Jaspers Brush Berry 30/9/06-19/11/06
Artist-In-Residence Bundanon 13 June – 27 June 2006
2011 Meroogal Womens’s Art Prize Highly Commended
2007 Kangaroo Valley Arts Festival Painting Prize, 2nd prize
2006 Berry Landcare Art Festival, highly commended
2006 Alvaro Painting Prize Berrima Dist. Art Soc. Bowra, 2nd prize
2004 TAFE Acquisition Prize
2002 Meroogal Women’s Art Exhibition, 2nd prize
1999 Meroogal Women’s Art Exhibition Peoples Choice Award
Nowra TAFE
Bundanon Trust
Various private collections and commissions NSW, Tasmania, Sweden.
Selected Group Exhibitions 1997-2013
2013 Arts In The Valley, Garden Sculpture Exhibition, Kangaroo Valley
2012 Escape Artfest Exhibition ‘Ripe’ Sculpture at Cupitts Winery
2011 Escape Artfest Exhibition ‘Ripe’ Sculpture at Cupitts Winery
2011 Projecting Forward Project Contemporary Art Space Wollongong
2011 Reflect Exhibition Shoalhaven Art Centre
2008 Waverley Art Prize, Sydney
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize 1998, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize Travelling Exhibition 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010
Education (relevant)
2005 Advanced Painting with Barbara Hilder Breakaway Art Group
2004 Statement of Attainment in Creative Fine Arts – Painting 2 & 3
Nowra College of TAFE
2002 Certificate 1V Fine Arts Nowra College of TAFE
1998 Certificate 11 Fine Arts Nowra College of TAFE
1996 Drawing Course Adult Education Kiama
1983 Bachelor of Arts Degree Macquarie University
Kaye was born in Sydney Australia. She lives and works in Kangaroo Valley NSW
Kaye started Out There Artists in 2006. The group consists of about ten members at any one time and meet every week to paint in the landscape. All the artists have to have had some art education and most are exhibiting artists.
Group Exhibitions
2001 Precinct Galleries, Berry (8/1/01-1/5/01)
2001 The Art Group Exhibition, Berry, May 5&6th
2001 TAFE Student Exhibition, Nowra, Dec
2002 The Art Group Exhibition, Berry, May
2002 Meroogal Women’s Art Prize, Nowra
2003 Meroogal Women’s Art Exhibition Art The Mint, Sydney (Oct 02 - Feb 03)
2003 Meroogal Women’s Art Exhibition The Southern Highlands Regional Gallery, Bowral (Feb 7 - March 9)
2003 ‘Making Waves’, The Art Group Exhibition, Berry (July 5 & 6)
2003 Darru Art Studio, Figtree, (July 26- 12/1/05)
2003 Bowral Sculpture Prize, Berrima District Art Soc, Bowral, (October 31 – Nov 9)
2003 The Alexander Berry Art Exhibition, Berry, (Oct 31 – Nov 3)
2003 Members Exhibition Berrima District Art Soc, (Dec 3-8)
2003 6X6 One Night Stand Art Exhibition, Cambewarra Hall,(Dec 23)
Osborne Gallery (Jan 27-March)
Berry Bowling Club Exhibition
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize, The Southern Highlands Regional Gallery, Bowral,
(Feb 6 to March 7)
New Beginnings Exhibition, Shoalhaven Art Society, Nowra,(Feb 23 to April 23)
Tyree-Tycan Works on Paper, Berrima District Art Soc, Bowral (April 2nd -12th)
Viva? The Art Group Exhibition, Berry, (April 29 to May 2)
Sculpture in the Forest, Tabula Rasa, Milton Ulladulla Arts Festival (June30th- 11July)
Kangaroo Valley Pre School Exhibition, (July 2nd- 3rd)
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize, Shoalhaven Art Centre, Nowra (September 4-15)
Alvaro Painting Prize, Berrima District Art Soc, Bowral, (July9th-18th)
Bowral Sculpture Prize, Berrima District Art Soc, Bowral ,(October 29th-November 7th)
Distracted Abstractors, Karoona Gallery, West Wollongong TAFE,
Wollongong, (October 12th-28th)
TAFE Student Exhibition, Nowra, Dec
6X6 Art Exhibition, Cambewarra Hall, (Dec 10-11th)
Members Exhibition, Bowral District Art Soc, Bowral, (16-22 Feb)
Vagina Monologues Art Exhibition, Berry, (Feb)
Spirit & Form The Art Group Exhibition, Berry,(4-6 March)
Berry Bowling Club, Berry, April - June
Breakaway Collection, Osborne Gallery, Nowra, (6-31 May)
Alvaro Painting Prize, Bowral District Art Soc. Bowral, (23 June - 4th July)
Top Shelf Exhibition, Project Contemporary Art Space, Wollongong (23 Sept-2 Oct )
Bowral Sculpture Prize, Bowral District Art Soc. Bowral, (3 Nov – 13 Nov)
9x5 Exhibition, Café Bella, KangarooValley, (15 Dec – 28 Jan 06)
6x6 Exhibition, Cambewarra Hall, (17 Dec)
Members Exhibition, Project Contemporary Art Space ,Wollongong, Jan –Feb
Festival of Sedition Exhibition, Huskisson ,18 March
Harvest Aquisitional Art Prize, The Silos Art Space, Berry, 11 June-30 July
Beneath The Surface’,The Art Group, The Shoalhaven City Art Centre,
Nowra, 22 June-20 July
Alvaro Painting Prize, Berrima District Art Soc, Bowral, 24June-10 July
Berry Landcare Celebration of Environment Art Festival, Berry, 15-16 July
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize, Shoalhaven City Arts Centre, Nowra,
11 August-6 September
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize Travelling Exhibition, The Spiral Gallery, Bega, 16 September -5 October, HHT Members Lounge, The Mint, Sydney, 10 October-29 January 2007
6x6 Art Exhibition, Cambewarra Hall, December 2nd
Members Exhibition, Project Contemporary Art Space, Wollongong Jan –Feb
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize Travelling Exhibition, Spiral Gallery, Bega NSW, 5-24 October 2007,
HHT Members Lounge The Mint, Sydney 10 October 2006-29 January 2008,
Arts in the Valley, Kangaroo Valley Arts Festival, Painting and Indoor
Sculpture, April 21-22
Exhibition, Café Bella 20/7 - Sept
Berry Landcare Celebration of Environment Art Festival, Berry, 7-9 September
The Cow & The Sea Festival of Short Film & Art, Kiama, 7-9 September
Festival of Sedition, Huskisson, 29 September
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize Travelling Exhibition The Spiral Gallery, Bega , 5-24
October, HHT Members Lounge, The Mint, Sydney 30 October -31 January 2008
6x6 Art Exhibition, Cambewarra Hall, December 8th
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize Travelling Exhibition, HHT Members Lounge The Mint, Sydney, 10 October 2006-29 January 2008,
Sturt Gallery, Mittagong, 3-24 February,
Wollongong City Gallery, Wollongong NSW, 8-25 May,
Tuggeranong Arts Centre, Tuggeranong ACT 29 May-15 June
6x6 Art Exhibition, Cambewarra Hall, December 6th
Out There, The Painting Group Art Exhibition, Café Bella Kangaroo Valley
January 23rd – February 23rd
Arts in the Valley, Painting, Indoor Sculpture, Garden Sculpture,
Kangaroo Valley Arts Festival
Exhibition, Café Bella, Kangaroo Valley, NSW, May
Vets Exhibition Ian Scott’s Vincentia August-Feb 2010
Escape Artfest Mettle Gallery Milton 2nd -11th Oct
6x6 Exhibition Cambewarra December 5th
Vets Exhibition Ian Scott’s Vincentia August 2009-Feb 2010
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize Travelling Exhibition Lady Denman Huskisson
12th Feb – March 28th
Bowral Sculpture Prize March 5th-14th
Alvaro Still Life Painting Prize Bowral March
Berry Landcare Artfest Berry School of Arts 4&5 September
Escape Artfest Exhibition Greenhouse Gallery Milton 2 Oct to Feb 2011
The David Turnbull Bequest Prize Bowral 29 Oct to 14 Nov
6x6 Exhibition Cambewarra 11 December
Art By the Sea Lady Denman Heritage Complex Huskisson 18 Dec to 16 Jan 2011
Art By the Sea Lady Denman Heritage Complex Huskisson 18 Dec to 16 Jan 2011
First in Best Dressed Project Contemorary Artspace Wollongong 12 to 23 Jan
Escape Artfest Exhibition Greenhouse Gallery Milton 2 Oct 2010 to Feb 2011
Igniting Women’s Spirit IWD Exhibition Narelle Byrne Gallery Melbourne 5-13 March
Bowral Sculpture Prize 15-25 April
Arts In The Valley, Garden Sculpture Exhibition, Kangaroo Valley Arts Festival, May
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize Art Centre Nowra August 27 -20 September
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize Touring Exhibition,
Spiral gallery Bega 23 September – 12 October
Lady Denman Huskisson 1-30 October
The Mint 2 November 2011- 26 January 2012
6X6 Exhibition Cambewarra Hall 17 December
Up A River Upper River hall Kangaroo Valley 2-4 March
Bowral Indoor Sculpture Prize Berrima Dist Arts Soc Bowral 2-18 March
International Women’s Day Art Exhibition, University of Wollongong Shoalhaven
Campus West Nowra 2-30 March
Meroogal Women’s Art Prize Touring Exhibition,
The Mint 2 November 2011 – 26 January 2012
Sturt Australian Contemporary Craft and Design Gallery, Mittagong
12 February-25 March
Berry Landcare Artfest Berry School of Arts 17& 18 August
Ripe Sculpture Exhibition Cupitt’s Winery Ulladulla 21 September to 11 October
Process And Place Exhibition Shoalhaven City Arts Centre 29 November
to 3 January 2013
6X6 Exhibition Cambewarra Hall 8 December
Process And Place Exhibition Shoalhaven City Arts Centre
29 November to 3 January 2013
Endless Summer Exhibition Lady Denman Museum Huskisson 12 January to10 February
International Women’s Day Art Exhibition, University of Wollongong Shoalhaven Campus West Nowra 4-29 March
Garden Sculpture Exhibition Arts in the Valley Festival Kangaroo Valley 3 to 5 May
Art Exhibtion Arts in The Valley Kangaroo valley Hall 7 to10 June
6X6 Exhibition Cambewarra Hall 7 December
Endless Summer Exhibition Lady Denman Museum Huskisson 14 December to January 12 2014
Endless Summer Exhibition Lady Denman Museum Huskisson
14 December 2013 to January 12